09 May 2007

In a "minute."

A Bangladeshi minute has just passed. In the past few days some significant things have happened. Nobel laureate Dr. Yunus has given up on the idea of launching a political party, there have been some blasts on three main railway stations through out Bangladesh, a good friend has left Bangladesh, my stepfather has left Bangladesh and will return in late august, Sheikh Hassina (a former prime minister and leader of the political party the Awami League) has come back to the country after having lived in “exile” during the past months, the Care Taker Government is declining in popularity (although they are doing many good and necessary things), and a new set of rules has been declared issuing that industries (pending on area) will have separate weekly holidays (so some areas have holiday on Friday as normal, whilst others have holiday on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Monday etc – this in order to save on electricity)…so many things that have happened in such a short amount of time that if it would have been any other country it would have flooded the media (apart from that my friend and stepfather left Dhaka of course. Not even a foreign press would have paid attention to that!). Here all these things seem as completely normal. In many places this is a rather obvious philosophical statement, but in Bangladesh it is literally true that: what happened yesterday should not be taken for granted today.

I am in my office and have just finished off an afternoon coffee break. It has been killer hot during the past weeks. 38 degrees in the shade and 100% humidity. Sweaty.

Otherwise I am only up to my old tricks. Lot’s of work this summer. I may have some vacation in August and will then plan a small ‘Sweden trip.’



Jenny said...

Tell me about it.. att Sverige känns långt bort alltså!!!

May have vacation.... Hmm..
Tur att 3 månader går "fort" snart e de aug... ;-)


Jenny said...

oj, nu blev det jobbigt. nån annan heter också jenny.. och har precis skrivt. men ja mr C, det här är allts jenny från malmö.. ja du vet väl om du klickar på länken om inte annat :-)

tänkte bara säga JAAAAAA! klart du ska planera din trip till sverige.. som du bara senarelägger hela tiden. hrumpf.. men det blir väl nån tid i m-ö hoppas jag?

Vi pratade om dig igår, jag clay och fanny. vi va på skånes dansteater och spanade in mel och gänget.. helt fantastiskt bra! som alltid.. sen drack vi i alla fall öl och pratade lite om dig.. och konstaterade bland andra saker att vi saknade dig.. och att vi tvivlade på att du nånsin skulle komma hem..

värme och luftfuktighet låter vedervärdigt. me don't like humidity. bättre värme i södra afrika. dit är jag för tillfället jävligt sugen på att dra.

well. nu blev det en halv avhandling. det var ju inte meningen.

ville egentligen bara säga JA! planera sverigetrip. och glöm inte malmö :-)


Christoffer said...


Ja det blir jobbigt nar ni bada heter sa lika. Men det gar nog att skilja pa anda.

Vad snallt att ni saknade mig...maste erkanna att jag saknade malmo valdigt mycket nar jag laste kommentaren. Sa SJALVKLART att det blir en Malmo vistelse nar jag kommer till Svea.

puss o kram tillbax!